Bright Linen Cloth

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 6/17/23 8:56:36 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

35 824 3,150 824 1,195 890 49,005 41 0.90

Level 71 Weaver Recipe for Bright Linen Cloth

Lightning Crystal 3 11 33 7/23/22 6:47:45 PM
Bright Linen Yarn 3 472 1,416 6/15/22 10:49:16 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,449

Profit/Loss Normal = 355

Profit/Loss HQ = 1,531

71 Deepgold Helm of Fending
71 Deepgold Cuirass of Fending
71 Deepgold Gauntlets of Fending
71 Smilodonskin Trousers of Fending
71 Stonegold Circlet of Maiming
71 Brightlinen Tabard of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Trousers of Maiming
71 Smilodonskin Leggings of Maiming
71 Brightlinen Hood of Striking
71 Brightlinen Himation of Striking
71 Brightlinen Long Gloves of Striking
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Striking
71 Smilodonskin Open-toed Boots of Striking
71 Brightlinen Hood of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Himation of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Long Gloves of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Aiming
71 Smilodonskin Open-toed Boots of Aiming
71 Brightlinen Gambison of Scouting
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Scouting
71 Brightlinen Hose of Scouting
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Scouting
71 Brightlinen Cap of Healing
71 Brightlinen Cyclas of Healing
71 Smilodonskin Armguards of Healing
71 Brightlinen Hose of Healing
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Healing
71 Brightlinen Cap of Casting
71 Brightlinen Cyclas of Casting
71 Smilodonskin Armguards of Casting
71 Brightlinen Hose of Casting
71 Smilodonskin Boots of Casting
71 Deepgold File
71 Brightlinen Turban of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Doublet Vest of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Crafting
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Crafting
71 Brightlinen Turban of Gathering
71 Brightlinen Coat of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Gloves of Gathering
71 Brightlinen Bottoms of Gathering
71 Smilodonskin Shoes of Gathering
72 Rarefied Deepgold Cuirass
72 Rarefied Smilodonskin Trousers
72 Rarefied Brightlinen Himation

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Bright Linen Cloth on Meteor

Ramuh 824 35 3,150 824 1,195 371 890 49,005 41 6/17/23 8:56:36 AM
Unicorn 800 82 900 800 742 395 850 44,547 60 2/22/22 1:21:11 PM
Valefor 557 59 630 557 730 638 400 67,214 92 4/24/23 7:44:42 PM
Yojimbo 630 110 1,281 630 799 565 900 9,590 12 6/3/23 3:30:25 AM
Zeromus 788 64 1,155 788 807 407 795 9,690 12 2/19/23 1:26:35 PM
Belias 940 237 1,255 940 776 255 800 99,328 128 6/12/22 2:22:59 PM
Mandragora 630 78 630 725 509 565 500 8,148 16 9/30/23 11:57:52 PM
Shinryu 1,470 96 1,476 1,470 2,213 -275 1,700 35,408 16 6/19/23 8:44:53 AM