Assorted Candles

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 4/28/23 1:59:51 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

53 9,240 9,240 9,250 8,750 55,500 6 8.80

Level 70 Alchemist Recipe for Assorted Candles

Lightning Cluster 2 169 338 9/30/22 5:58:57 PM
Water Cluster 2 39 78 2/20/23 1:39:21 AM
Marine Wax Ester 2 578 1,156 6/10/22 8:48:19 PM
Tallow Candle 5 525 2,625 6/5/23 11:54:46 AM
Beeswax Candle 5 158 790 5/30/21 6:33:25 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,987

Profit/Loss Normal = 3,763

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Assorted Candles on Meteor

Ramuh 9,240 53 0 9,240 9,250 10 8,750 55,500 6 4/28/23 1:59:51 PM
Unicorn 30,366 16 0 30,366 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 6:46:16 AM
Valefor 12,957 14 0 12,957 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/23 6:58:57 AM
Yojimbo 17,640 8 0 17,640 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 8:38:21 PM
Zeromus 8,705 37 0 8,705 7,363 545 9,790 36,819 5 6/18/23 1:43:03 PM
Belias 15,320 35 0 15,320 14,937 -6,070 14,895 74,685 5 6/14/22 9:30:19 PM
Mandragora 14,595 24 0 14,595 13,900 -5,345 13,900 69,500 5 6/15/22 11:51:36 AM
Shinryu 12,600 67 0 12,600 0 0 0 0 0 3/4/23 8:10:57 AM