Crystal Chandelier

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 3/3/23 6:59:10 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Ceiling Light | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

34 2,415 2,415 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 60 Goldsmith Recipe for Crystal Chandelier

Crystal Glass 6 2,415 14,490 2/18/23 8:01:20 AM
Fire Cluster 2 53 106 8/10/22 5:54:58 PM
High Mythrite Ingot 2 3,570 7,140 6/8/22 12:08:09 AM
Eikon Iron Ingot 2 840 1,680 6/16/22 8:49:26 AM
Wind Cluster 3 99 297 5/24/23 12:43:45 PM
Sapphire 6 9 54 10/19/21 12:17:20 PM
Tallow Candle 4 525 2,100 6/5/23 11:54:46 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 25,867

Profit/Loss Normal = -23,467

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Fire Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Crystal Chandelier on Meteor

Ramuh 2,415 34 0 2,415 0 0 0 0 0 3/3/23 6:59:10 PM
Unicorn 1,418 55 0 1,418 0 0 0 0 0 6/10/21 1:50:54 PM
Valefor 1,260 42 0 1,260 1,100 -1,260 1,100 5,500 5 4/12/23 9:55:39 AM
Yojimbo 1,197 37 0 1,197 1,048 -1,197 980 5,240 5 4/18/23 1:02:43 PM
Zeromus 1,470 26 0 1,470 1,979 -1,470 2,000 9,899 5 5/4/23 4:56:32 PM
Belias 1,365 50 0 1,365 1,234 -1,365 1,320 6,170 5 4/21/23 1:15:26 PM
Mandragora 1,838 32 0 1,838 1,190 -1,838 1,150 5,950 5 5/11/23 7:54:26 PM
Shinryu 1,869 21 0 1,869 1,550 -1,869 1,750 7,750 5 4/22/23 9:37:55 AM