Dravanian Mistletoe

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 12/12/22 3:33:05 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

54 The Churning Mists, Dravania
54 Ohl Tahn, Dravania Region: The Churning Mists

431 278 278 394 402 79,647 202 2.10
52 Holy Water

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Dravanian Mistletoe on Elemental

Aegis 420 304 0 420 422 -26 400 22,400 53 6/11/22 1:21:58 PM
Atomos 525 62 0 525 478 -131 795 19,148 40 6/11/22 10:56:01 PM
Carbuncle 725 560 0 725 500 -331 500 44,000 88 6/11/22 11:04:47 PM
Garuda 504 195 0 504 565 -110 500 136,200 241 6/11/22 1:24:50 PM
Gungnir 318 791 0 318 382 76 349 27,547 72 6/12/22 12:14:11 AM
Kujata 197 561 0 197 224 197 190 2,474 11 6/11/22 1:33:22 PM
Ramuh 278 431 0 278 394 116 402 79,647 202 12/12/22 3:33:05 PM
Tonberry 628 97 0 628 632 -234 550 9,480 15 6/11/22 1:49:31 PM
Typhon 242 293 0 242 0 0 0 0 0 6/11/22 11:40:40 PM
Unicorn 735 466 1,574 735 1,012 -341 900 55,711 55 6/3/21 1:01:04 AM