Draconian Potion of Vitality

Server: Ramuh

Last Updated: 10/27/19 12:29:05 PM
Search Category: Medicine | Item Category: Medicine | Sell price to vendor: 42
More Information

Gathering info:

184 222 1,000 222 417 250 7,517 18 10.20

Level 59 Alchemist Recipe for Draconian Potion of Vitality

Dragon Blood 2 255 510 6/10/22 12:43:31 PM
Cow Bitter 2 45 90 5/30/21 9:52:38 PM
Abalathian Rock Salt 1 419 419 4/3/23 9:35:37 AM
Duskborne Aethersand 1 2,997 2,997 3/25/23 2:59:32 PM
Furymint 2 1,049 2,098 6/11/22 4:32:36 AM
Lightning Cluster 1 169 169 9/30/22 5:58:57 PM
Water Cluster 2 39 78 2/20/23 1:39:21 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 6,361

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,870

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,573

Current Prices

Price History

Ramuh Cross Server Data for Draconian Potion of Vitality on Meteor

Ramuh 222 184 1,000 222 417 195 250 7,517 18 10/27/19 12:29:05 PM
Unicorn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/30/18 8:44:09 AM
Valefor 298 43 0 298 368 119 500 9,588 26 6/11/19 1:34:52 PM
Yojimbo 200 99 500 200 405 217 282 6,890 17 8/3/20 2:31:21 PM
Zeromus 360 10 0 360 2,347 57 4,500 44,600 19 6/7/23 9:01:58 AM
Belias 885 52 2,625 885 3,529 -468 542 63,536 18 5/11/23 8:01:41 AM
Mandragora 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4/25/18 4:54:53 PM