Model Vanguard

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 5/14/23 10:58:37 PM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

3 21,000 21,000 16,749 17,000 100,499 6 0.50

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Model Vanguard

Wind Shard 99 67 6,633 3/1/23 1:27:25 PM
Garlean Steel Joint 1 0 0
Garlean Steel Plate 1 315 315 6/14/23 2:41:20 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 6,948

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,900

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Model Vanguard on Light

Lich 13,652 6 0 13,652 12,299 3,097 9,999 61,496 5 6/4/23 8:37:58 AM
Odin 13,502 20 0 13,502 13,020 3,247 12,878 65,102 5 5/27/23 9:18:02 PM
Phoenix 10,494 23 0 10,494 9,801 6,255 9,995 49,005 5 6/5/23 12:45:52 PM
Shiva 10,238 21 0 10,238 10,064 6,511 9,700 40,259 4 9/12/23 8:53:14 PM
Zodiark 9,417 13 0 9,417 9,764 7,332 9,499 48,822 5 6/19/23 1:58:00 PM
Twintania 5,249 20 0 5,249 7,454 11,500 7,495 52,178 7 6/8/23 12:54:56 PM
Alpha 16,799 9 0 16,799 11,499 -50 15,998 57,497 5 6/21/23 6:49:13 PM
Raiden 21,000 3 0 21,000 16,749 -4,251 17,000 100,499 6 5/14/23 10:58:37 PM