Steel Plate

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 6/4/23 10:55:08 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

22 250 250 1,200 993 1,500 47,679 48 0.50

Level 27 Armorer Recipe for Steel Plate

Ice Shard 3 75 225 3/1/23 1:28:08 PM
Steel Ingot 2 241 482 2/8/23 6:22:01 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 707

Profit/Loss Normal = 28

Profit/Loss HQ = 33

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Steel Plate on Light

Lich 890 169 0 890 888 103 898 159,998 180 6/12/23 8:29:46 PM
Odin 598 144 4,999 598 610 395 550 15,267 25 3/3/23 11:53:24 PM
Phoenix 3,150 20 3,150 6,719 807 -2,157 600 9,690 12 3/5/23 12:39:16 AM
Shiva 500 350 500 720 978 493 800 60,684 62 10/28/24 6:09:00 PM
Zodiark 1,472 475 3,990 1,472 0 0 0 0 0 3/2/23 9:53:26 AM
Twintania 193 51 198 193 560 800 188 7,843 14 2/23/23 12:58:32 PM
Alpha 998 195 1,050 998 1,143 -5 1,002 19,440 17 3/3/23 9:29:20 PM
Raiden 250 22 250 1,200 993 743 1,500 47,679 48 6/4/23 10:55:08 AM