Bantam Train

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 3/3/23 5:44:13 PM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

2 5,249,947 5,249,947 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 90 Armorer Recipe for Bantam Train

Ice Cluster 3 8 24 1/30/23 1:36:01 PM
Earth Cluster 3 24 72 6/22/23 3:37:47 PM
Dynamis Crystal 4 105 420 9/20/23 8:57:55 AM
Rutilated Quartz 2 8,242 16,484 3/1/23 7:59:51 PM
Ilmenite Ingot 2 4,620 9,240 9/13/23 10:21:57 AM
Ominous Plating 1 1,994,988 1,994,988 2/21/23 6:16:58 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,021,228

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,941,228

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Bantam Train on Light

Lich 1,343,360 13 0 1,343,360 1,517,043 -1,343,360 1,293,406 12,136,349 8 2/28/23 2:52:56 PM
Odin 1,627,490 2 0 1,627,490 960,107 -1,627,490 1,000,000 8,640,970 9 2/24/23 11:00:46 PM
Phoenix 1,312,500 5 0 1,312,500 1,373,244 -1,312,500 1,389,998 8,239,466 6 2/20/23 7:54:53 PM
Shiva 1,207,500 8 0 1,207,500 1,632,313 -1,207,500 900,000 4,896,940 3 2/27/23 12:41:13 AM
Zodiark 169,050 5 0 169,050 160,999 -169,050 161,000 965,997 6 9/17/23 10:46:10 PM
Twintania 103,989 5 0 103,989 126,913 -103,989 103,989 253,827 2 11/9/24 9:35:59 PM
Alpha 9,450,000 1 0 9,450,000 2,199,994 -9,450,000 2,199,994 2,199,994 1 2/19/23 6:30:54 AM
Raiden 5,249,947 2 0 5,249,947 0 0 0 0 0 3/3/23 5:44:13 PM