Almasty Serge Coat of Healing

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 3/31/23 4:04:27 AM
Search Category: Body | Item Category: Body | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

9 34,124 34,124 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 83 Weaver Recipe for Almasty Serge Coat of Healing

Wind Crystal 7 60 420 3/1/23 1:31:07 PM
Lightning Crystal 8 32 256 3/1/23 1:29:39 PM
Pewter Ingot 1 0 0
Dark Hempen Cloth 1 1,450 1,450 12/21/23 5:51:07 AM
Almasty Serge 3 1,498 4,494 9/19/23 5:13:39 PM
Gaja Leather 1 2,499 2,499 6/4/23 1:40:30 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 9,119

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 40,881

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Almasty Serge Coat of Healing on Light

Lich 78,728 3 78,728 0 71,553 -78,728 73,900 357,767 5 6/11/23 1:27:16 PM
Odin 61,651 16 61,651 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/17/23 2:12:07 PM
Phoenix 63,641 14 63,641 0 50,200 -63,641 30,000 251,000 5 6/9/22 4:01:34 AM
Shiva 62,906 4 62,906 0 119,954 -62,906 119,959 239,909 2 4/30/23 6:51:50 AM
Zodiark 26,250 12 26,250 26,880 53,388 -26,250 63,713 266,943 5 6/9/22 3:32:09 AM
Twintania 59,000 36 59,099 59,000 75,465 -59,000 59,000 1,509,314 20 12/25/21 6:48:23 AM
Alpha 115,499 4 115,499 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/23 10:58:50 PM
Raiden 34,124 9 34,124 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 4:04:27 AM