Pliable Glass Fiber

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 5/12/23 10:48:25 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 50
More Information

Gathering info:

59 11,549 11,549 12,833 15,161 12,221 303,230 20 3.00

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Pliable Glass Fiber

Lightning Cluster 2 106 212 2/26/23 5:52:59 AM
Water Cluster 2 166 332 5/28/23 4:48:35 AM
Scuroglow Aethersand 1 461 461 6/23/23 3:36:52 AM
Sandalwood Sap 3 468 1,404 3/23/23 10:16:21 AM
Sublime Solution 1 709 709 10/1/23 12:35:32 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,118

Profit/Loss Normal = 27,882

Profit/Loss HQ = 30,215

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Pliable Glass Fiber on Light

Lich 14,489 82 14,489 15,225 13,882 672 13,799 166,588 12 4/26/23 6:41:06 PM
Odin 18,742 47 19,949 18,742 22,609 -3,581 17,849 135,657 6 5/7/23 10:34:03 PM
Phoenix 15,750 12 16,800 15,750 15,000 -589 15,000 360,000 24 5/20/23 12:45:10 AM
Shiva 18,690 25 18,899 18,690 17,724 -3,529 20,000 194,972 11 5/26/23 6:36:17 PM
Zodiark 21,053 22 30,130 21,053 27,394 -5,892 28,735 356,130 13 5/22/23 4:37:19 PM
Twintania 15,477 44 22,523 15,477 18,177 -316 14,745 127,242 7 5/11/23 12:45:11 AM
Alpha 17,850 9 21,000 17,850 0 0 0 0 0 5/5/23 10:54:49 PM
Raiden 11,549 59 11,549 12,833 15,161 3,612 12,221 303,230 20 5/12/23 10:48:25 PM