Small Imitation Window

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 2/26/23 12:11:23 AM
Search Category: Wall-mounted | Item Category: Wall-mounted | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

14 49,314 49,314 49,878 49,875 448,910 9 1.60

Level 32 Carpenter Recipe for Small Imitation Window

Ice Shard 3 75 225 3/1/23 1:28:08 PM
Wind Shard 3 67 201 3/1/23 1:27:25 PM
Steel Rivets 1 945 945 2/28/23 7:57:00 PM
Oak Lumber 3 288 864 6/4/23 11:50:40 AM
Clear Glass Lens 2 34 68 5/29/23 10:20:46 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,303

Profit/Loss Normal = 16,696

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Oak Lumber
Wind Shard
Ice Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Small Imitation Window on Light

Lich 5,000 51 0 5,000 8,255 44,878 5,000 57,785 7 7/17/23 2:13:42 PM
Odin 6,822 87 0 6,822 6,503 43,056 6,497 104,057 16 2/28/23 8:53:13 PM
Phoenix 11,548 78 0 11,548 13,625 38,330 10,997 163,508 12 2/26/23 12:57:04 AM
Shiva 29,600 19 0 29,600 27,968 20,278 29,699 531,406 19 1/27/23 11:35:04 AM
Zodiark 15,749 5 0 15,749 15,809 34,129 15,859 63,238 4 3/5/23 7:46:35 PM
Twintania 15,214 21 0 15,214 15,338 34,664 14,998 153,386 10 2/25/23 9:09:38 PM
Alpha 8,399 32 0 8,399 7,999 41,479 7,999 39,995 5 9/12/23 7:08:08 PM
Raiden 49,314 14 0 49,314 49,878 564 49,875 448,910 9 2/26/23 12:11:23 AM