Bronze Scutum

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 4/21/23 10:58:54 AM
Search Category: Shields | Item Category: Shield | Sell price to vendor: 3
More Information

Gathering info:

1 1,470 1,470 481 960 963 2 0.50

Level 10 Armorer Recipe for Bronze Scutum

Ice Shard 1 75 75 3/1/23 1:28:08 PM
Earth Shard 1 68 68 3/1/23 1:28:29 PM
Bronze Plate 2 210 420 6/23/23 12:59:55 AM
Bronze Rivets 3 49 147 5/29/23 10:23:53 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 710

Profit/Loss Normal = 250

Profit/Loss HQ = -210

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria I
Ice Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Bronze Scutum on Light

Lich 3 20 2,016 3 112 478 3 787 7 8/21/21 7:08:53 AM
Odin 190 6 3,490 190 1,199 291 1,000 3,599 3 11/24/20 3:58:13 PM
Phoenix 900 3 900 1,000 349 -419 500 1,748 5 6/26/21 9:26:53 PM
Shiva 3 10 598 3 200 478 200 200 1 5/29/23 12:44:03 PM
Zodiark 19 20 0 19 26 462 29 131 5 9/14/21 11:01:02 AM
Twintania 15,755 1 15,755 0 6,333 -15,274 10,004 19,001 3 4/9/23 6:41:32 AM
Raiden 1,470 1 0 1,470 481 -989 960 963 2 4/21/23 10:58:54 AM