Ruby Cotton Fingerless Gloves of Casting

Server: Raiden

Last Updated: 6/26/23 2:32:29 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 312
More Information

Gathering info:

1 19,259 19,259 13,997 10,000 69,988 5 0.20

Level 62 Weaver Recipe for Ruby Cotton Fingerless Gloves of Casting

Wind Crystal 3 60 180 3/1/23 1:31:07 PM
Lightning Crystal 3 32 96 3/1/23 1:29:39 PM
Ruby Cotton Cloth 2 0 0
Ruby Cotton Yarn 1 392 392 6/24/23 8:40:08 PM
Gyuki Leather 1 1,038 1,038 3/4/23 12:59:06 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,706

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 38,293

Desynthesizes into:

Ruby Cotton Yarn
Lightning Crystal
Wind Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Raiden Cross Server Data for Ruby Cotton Fingerless Gloves of Casting on Light

Lich 31,500 4 31,500 0 29,999 -17,503 29,999 29,999 1 5/11/23 9:25:23 AM
Odin 18,844 16 18,844 0 18,582 -4,847 10,312 222,985 12 12/13/21 8:35:47 AM
Phoenix 39,995 1 39,995 0 21,581 -25,998 10,000 345,300 16 1/1/22 10:23:27 AM
Shiva 27,447 5 27,447 0 23,335 -13,450 25,000 93,343 4 4/17/23 10:01:13 PM
Zodiark 51,449 7 51,449 0 62,999 -37,452 62,999 62,999 1 4/18/23 11:48:59 PM
Twintania 31,500 2 31,500 0 19,499 -17,503 29,999 38,999 2 5/29/23 1:42:01 PM
Alpha 36,645 3 36,645 0 18,668 -22,648 34,999 93,343 5 4/28/23 12:02:33 PM
Raiden 19,259 1 19,259 0 13,997 -5,262 10,000 69,988 5 6/26/23 2:32:29 PM