Potted Oliphant's Ear

Server: Ragnarok

Last Updated: 5/11/21 1:40:03 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

8 157,490 157,490 123,688 145,000 1,236,888 10 0.80

Level 50 Alchemist Recipe for Potted Oliphant's Ear

Lightning Crystal 2 28 56 9/26/24 3:13:03 PM
Water Crystal 3 34 102 9/5/23 12:53:35 AM
Rose Gold Nugget 5 1,263 6,315 2/28/23 8:48:15 PM
Spruce Lumber 3 2,000 6,000 9/28/22 2:42:22 PM
Humus 3 261 783 3/6/23 8:42:50 PM
Island Seedling 3 600 1,800 2/24/25 5:06:06 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,056

Profit/Loss Normal = 29,924

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ragnarok Cross Server Data for Potted Oliphant's Ear on Chaos

Cerberus 23,090 20 0 23,090 23,769 100,598 17,090 332,777 14 6/18/24 9:21:33 PM
Louisoix 25,000 12 0 25,000 25,212 98,688 25,488 378,183 15 10/30/24 12:58:59 AM
Moogle 108,000 9 0 108,000 109,634 15,688 107,990 767,440 7 6/17/22 5:03:49 PM
Omega 29,482 20 0 29,482 28,967 94,206 29,484 260,703 9 6/5/24 12:56:35 AM
Ragnarok 157,490 8 0 157,490 123,688 -33,802 145,000 1,236,888 10 5/11/21 1:40:03 PM
Spriggan 27,500 12 0 27,500 31,812 96,188 30,980 636,243 20 5/25/22 2:43:12 PM
Sagittarius 26,090 5 0 26,090 21,777 97,598 19,000 108,889 5 6/18/24 7:15:37 AM