Sephirot Root

Server: Ragnarok

Last Updated: 3/2/23 11:53:17 AM
Search Category: Outdoor Furnishings | Item Category: Outdoor Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 57
More Information

Gathering info:

32 525 525 1,056 1,056 2,112 2 16.00

Level 60 Alchemist Recipe for Sephirot Root

Larimar 8 4,200 33,600 6/19/23 8:57:34 AM
Holy Water 3 2,089 6,267 6/15/23 2:57:24 PM
Growth Formula Zeta 3 1,886 5,658 9/29/22 6:46:52 AM
Sephirot Sap 1 9,500 9,500 9/15/21 5:36:31 PM
Lightning Cluster 2 143 286 9/13/23 1:18:30 PM
Water Cluster 2 53 106 2/26/23 11:22:25 PM
Marble 5 250 1,250 6/19/22 3:48:12 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 56,667

Profit/Loss Normal = -54,911

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Ragnarok Cross Server Data for Sephirot Root on Chaos

Cerberus 2,937 27 0 2,937 22,624 -1,881 2,700 135,746 6 2/19/23 8:10:44 AM
Louisoix 1,040 18 0 1,040 1,216 16 1,998 10,949 9 1/26/24 1:00:50 PM
Moogle 250 24 0 250 274 806 270 548 2 2/20/25 10:33:53 PM
Omega 1,000 18 0 1,000 860 56 999 8,600 10 9/11/22 5:13:26 AM
Ragnarok 525 32 0 525 1,056 531 1,056 2,112 2 3/2/23 11:53:17 AM
Spriggan 693 33 0 693 655 363 1,000 9,177 14 2/8/22 4:55:56 PM
Sagittarius 788 10 0 788 748 268 750 2,994 4 9/30/23 5:59:25 PM
Phantom 9,400 9 0 9,400 2,446 -8,344 9,397 44,028 18 10/14/23 9:08:44 AM