Plush Cushion

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 5/5/23 1:56:52 AM
Search Category: Minions | Item Category: Minion | Sell price to vendor: 60
More Information

Gathering info:

11 22,994 22,994 21,718 21,899 108,592 5 2.20

Level 50 Weaver Recipe for Plush Cushion

Undyed Cotton Cloth 1 94 94 7/12/22 10:59:04 AM
Cotton Boll 1 104 104 6/16/23 1:47:00 PM
Lightning Shard 99 68 6,732 2/27/23 12:27:11 AM
Glazenut 1 10,500 10,500 6/25/23 5:42:38 PM
Jute Yarn 1 45,255 45,255 5/21/23 5:58:42 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 62,685

Profit/Loss Normal = -40,692

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Plush Cushion on Light

Lich 34,649 20 0 34,649 31,139 -12,931 34,950 186,837 6 5/4/23 8:28:08 AM
Odin 15,990 26 0 15,990 17,493 5,728 17,887 349,865 20 9/7/23 11:51:18 AM
Phoenix 22,994 11 0 22,994 21,718 -1,276 21,899 108,592 5 5/5/23 1:56:52 AM
Shiva 20,883 38 0 20,883 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 8:56:13 PM
Zodiark 24,675 10 0 24,675 0 0 0 0 0 10/4/23 10:49:56 AM
Twintania 25,468 15 0 25,468 24,216 -3,750 24,000 266,385 11 4/27/23 2:43:00 PM
Alpha 62,948 4 0 62,948 50,575 -41,230 59,924 708,052 14 5/6/23 12:57:06 PM
Raiden 19,999 10 0 19,999 21,047 1,719 19,999 252,572 12 1/29/24 11:42:17 PM