Mythril Sollerets

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 8/12/21 11:58:39 PM
Search Category: Feet | Item Category: Feet | Sell price to vendor: 46
More Information

Gathering info:

20 400 17,999 400 16,271 17,999 325,427 20 1.00

Level 42 Armorer Recipe for Mythril Sollerets

Ice Shard 5 90 450 9/13/23 3:25:19 PM
Earth Shard 5 52 260 2/27/23 3:21:08 PM
Mythril Plate 1 3,148 3,148 3/20/23 3:58:30 AM
Mythril Rings 2 314 628 6/7/23 3:41:45 PM
Aldgoat Leather 1 994 994 11/13/22 2:51:11 PM
Hippogryph Sinew 1 263 263 6/25/23 1:36:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,743

Profit/Loss Normal = 19,254

Profit/Loss HQ = 32,306

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Ice Shard
Earth Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Mythril Sollerets on Light

Lich 1,890 12 53,001 1,890 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 3:03:07 PM
Odin 45 14 11,000 45 15,162 16,226 14,997 151,625 10 4/15/22 9:06:10 AM
Phoenix 400 20 17,999 400 16,271 15,871 17,999 325,427 20 8/12/21 11:58:39 PM
Shiva 29,000 1 0 29,000 53,591 -12,729 65,000 321,551 6 10/28/24 6:39:32 PM
Zodiark 2,415 12 30,344 2,415 23,477 13,856 28,887 117,385 5 6/14/22 11:18:13 AM
Twintania 238 21 16,990 238 16,020 16,033 16,990 320,409 20 11/19/21 5:26:57 PM
Alpha 8,448 6 0 8,448 21,167 7,823 30,051 169,336 8 2/28/23 10:44:07 PM
Raiden 546 12 33,994 546 27,993 15,725 44,000 223,950 8 6/4/23 11:53:43 AM