Perilla Oil

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 2/24/23 1:34:00 PM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

2204 525 1,050 525 1,153 540 732,351 635 3.50

Level 82 Culinarian Recipe for Perilla Oil

Thavnairian Perilla Leaf 6 343 2,058 6/21/23 1:54:15 AM
Fire Crystal 8 66 528 9/13/23 3:25:21 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,586

Profit/Loss Normal = -67

Profit/Loss HQ = 938

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Perilla Oil on Light

Lich 1,166 647 1,400 1,166 1,814 -13 1,100 765,556 422 2/26/23 5:34:36 PM
Odin 320 957 320 357 568 833 599 503,021 885 2/25/23 2:23:05 AM
Phoenix 525 2,204 1,050 525 1,153 628 540 732,351 635 2/24/23 1:34:00 PM
Shiva 629 542 637 629 1,159 524 640 737,373 636 4/16/23 2:00:17 PM
Zodiark 1,049 327 2,099 1,049 1,580 104 1,400 192,800 122 2/22/23 4:08:48 PM
Twintania 840 548 2,106 840 690 313 650 421,712 611 2/25/23 1:43:29 AM
Raiden 1,045 80 1,050 1,045 1,419 108 1,450 508,288 358 2/22/23 7:40:44 AM