Chondrite Gloves of Healing

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 2/1/22 6:12:41 PM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 390
More Information

Gathering info:

11 18,000 18,000 16,609 17,000 265,747 16 0.70

Level 88 Armorer Recipe for Chondrite Gloves of Healing

Earth Crystal 8 19 152 2/23/23 1:31:51 PM
Chondrite Ingot 2 811 1,622 4/24/24 11:12:56 AM
Scarlet Moko Cloth 1 285 285 6/21/24 8:45:02 AM
Grade 5 Mind Alkahest 1 922 922 3/7/23 9:58:07 PM
Ophiotauros Leather 1 900 900 2/23/23 6:44:06 PM
Ice Crystal 8 20 160 1/30/23 1:29:45 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,041

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 40,388

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Chondrite Gloves of Healing on Light

Lich 8,955 13 8,955 10,000 9,023 7,654 8,900 180,473 20 1/13/22 7:11:52 AM
Odin 24,602 7 24,602 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/5/23 5:46:22 PM
Phoenix 18,000 11 18,000 0 16,609 -1,391 17,000 265,747 16 2/1/22 6:12:41 PM
Shiva 20,429 5 20,429 0 14,905 -3,820 20,000 44,717 3 10/29/22 4:59:22 PM
Zodiark 24,429 4 24,429 0 18,808 -7,820 22,999 131,656 7 3/18/22 1:13:29 PM
Twintania 14,000 9 14,000 15,000 16,263 2,609 14,425 113,844 7 2/3/22 8:09:07 PM