Snow Linen Bottoms of Aiming

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 12/26/21 11:18:06 AM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 650
More Information

Gathering info:

21 7,200 7,200 7,138 7,200 142,776 20 1.00

Level 84 Weaver Recipe for Snow Linen Bottoms of Aiming

Wind Crystal 7 68 476 1/1/24 6:19:39 PM
Lightning Crystal 8 43 344 2/24/23 8:34:31 PM
Almasty Serge 1 1,700 1,700 9/30/23 7:24:48 AM
Snow Linen 2 1,990 3,980 3/4/23 8:48:53 AM
Grade 5 Dexterity Alkahest 2 449 898 1/8/23 10:29:19 AM
Luncheon Toad Leather 1 1,894 1,894 10/8/22 7:35:38 PM
Saiga Leather 1 2,200 2,200 6/21/24 8:23:48 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 11,492

Profit/Loss Normal = 0

Profit/Loss HQ = 18,506

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Snow Linen Bottoms of Aiming on Light

Lich 3,998 26 3,998 0 4,475 3,140 4,000 89,501 20 12/18/21 4:33:50 PM
Odin 32,000 14 32,000 80,000 50,666 -24,862 34,000 151,998 3 5/6/22 12:17:53 PM
Phoenix 7,200 21 7,200 0 7,138 -62 7,200 142,776 20 12/26/21 11:18:06 AM
Shiva 66,621 7 66,621 0 63,674 -59,483 63,000 127,349 2 4/9/23 10:38:17 PM
Alpha 20,999 3 20,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 5:47:52 PM