Woolen Gaskins

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 1/30/23 1:42:30 PM
Search Category: Legs | Item Category: Legs | Sell price to vendor: 79
More Information

Gathering info:

14 790 16,999 790 17,612 16,071 176,126 10 1.40

Level 42 Weaver Recipe for Woolen Gaskins

Wind Shard 5 54 270 1/1/24 6:20:21 PM
Toad Leather 2 314 628 6/13/23 7:54:07 PM
Undyed Woolen Cloth 1 1,572 1,572 3/24/23 2:57:41 PM
Dew Thread 1 400 400 10/14/22 10:51:53 AM
Lightning Shard 5 68 340 2/27/23 12:27:11 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,210

Profit/Loss Normal = -2,585

Profit/Loss HQ = 20,875

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria II
Lightning Shard
Wind Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Woolen Gaskins on Light

Lich 865 14 24,999 865 12,918 16,747 859 77,509 6 9/20/23 10:22:17 PM
Odin 525 12 22,167 525 0 0 0 0 0 3/27/23 4:47:07 PM
Phoenix 790 14 16,999 790 17,612 16,822 16,071 176,126 10 1/30/23 1:42:30 PM
Shiva 3,674 9 41,999 3,674 33,588 13,938 44,444 167,941 5 4/13/23 10:49:40 PM
Zodiark 1,049 10 52,499 1,049 0 0 0 0 0 4/5/23 10:46:37 PM
Twintania 1,050 8 31,494 1,050 24,171 16,562 29,994 120,856 5 5/25/23 8:47:45 PM
Alpha 105 9 0 105 10,041 17,507 10,000 40,165 4 6/19/23 12:44:26 AM