Cream Yellow Carpet

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 6/24/23 6:55:42 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Flooring | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

19 3,255 3,255 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Weaver Recipe for Cream Yellow Carpet

Wind Crystal 7 68 476 1/1/24 6:19:39 PM
Lightning Crystal 7 43 301 2/24/23 8:34:31 PM
Lignum Vitae Lumber 4 999 3,996 4/22/24 2:59:08 PM
Ovim Wool 8 3,883 31,064 3/2/23 2:53:04 PM
Dwarven Cotton 4 1,884 7,536 9/13/23 11:00:09 AM
Mortar 4 786 3,144 4/22/24 3:31:58 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 46,517

Profit/Loss Normal = -43,521

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Cream Yellow Carpet on Light

Lich 3,386 22 0 3,386 2,799 -3,386 3,300 13,998 5 5/7/23 11:05:50 AM
Odin 1,500 25 0 1,500 1,863 -1,500 1,998 18,632 10 6/18/24 12:32:56 PM
Phoenix 3,255 19 0 3,255 0 0 0 0 0 6/24/23 6:55:42 AM
Shiva 1,099 33 0 1,099 1,590 -1,099 1,399 9,542 6 4/23/24 3:44:15 PM
Zodiark 3,359 27 0 3,359 3,150 -3,359 3,200 15,750 5 6/26/23 8:41:53 AM
Twintania 6,646 28 0 6,646 7,248 -6,646 7,098 14,496 2 6/24/23 1:06:04 AM
Alpha 2,334 10 0 2,334 4,997 -2,334 4,997 9,994 2 6/25/23 7:59:57 PM
Raiden 1,985 14 0 1,985 1,454 -1,985 1,888 5,816 4 5/28/23 12:58:04 PM