Exarchic Handgonne

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 3/31/23 8:51:13 AM
Search Category: Machinist's Arms | Item Category: Machinist's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 709
More Information

Gathering info:

11 9,450 9,680 9,450 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 80 Blacksmith Recipe for Exarchic Handgonne

Fire Cluster 3 44 132 1/20/23 9:27:47 PM
Earth Cluster 3 111 333 6/8/24 8:57:29 PM
Dwarven Mythril Ingot 1 899 899 11/24/22 10:07:02 AM
Levinstrike Aethersand 2 849 1,698 10/8/22 10:31:08 AM
Duraluminum Ingot 2 315 630 2/23/23 9:41:10 AM
Solstice Ingot 2 1,337 2,674 6/18/23 12:48:29 AM
Grade 4 Dexterity Alkahest 2 685 1,370 5/18/23 10:52:55 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,736

Profit/Loss Normal = 262

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,848

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Exarchic Handgonne on Light

Lich 11,422 12 11,422 11,435 0 0 0 0 0 3/19/23 11:53:54 AM
Odin 36,748 3 36,748 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/25/23 2:57:03 PM
Phoenix 9,450 11 9,680 9,450 0 0 0 0 0 3/31/23 8:51:13 AM
Shiva 7,445 10 36,749 7,445 9,210 -7,445 12,900 55,263 6 6/8/23 5:57:10 PM
Zodiark 26,250 1 0 26,250 0 0 0 0 0 5/4/23 8:30:45 PM
Twintania 5,250 8 12,548 5,250 5,733 -5,250 4,709 17,200 3 6/14/23 12:31:18 AM
Alpha 21,000 5 0 21,000 20,495 -21,000 20,495 20,495 1 6/7/23 2:57:30 PM
Raiden 12,295 11 0 12,295 13,152 -12,295 12,998 65,762 5 5/26/23 7:52:33 PM