Tier 1 Metal Aquarium

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 5/7/23 12:16:47 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 238
More Information

Gathering info:

32 927 927 813 898 4,066 5 6.40

Level 70 Armorer Recipe for Tier 1 Metal Aquarium

Ice Cluster 3 2 6 9/12/23 3:37:03 PM
Earth Cluster 3 111 333 6/8/24 8:57:29 PM
Chromite Ingot 3 390 1,170 4/12/23 5:12:49 AM
Steel Plate 2 3,150 6,300 3/5/23 12:39:16 AM
Limestone 1 577 577 2/28/23 4:13:57 AM
Fine Sand 4 50 200 3/1/23 8:58:27 PM
Clear Glass Lens 1 105 105 2/24/23 8:11:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,691

Profit/Loss Normal = -8,361

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Ice Cluster
Earth Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Tier 1 Metal Aquarium on Light

Lich 683 25 0 683 679 130 650 2,038 3 6/6/23 3:25:22 AM
Odin 630 35 0 630 1,074 183 1,201 5,374 5 4/30/23 4:31:52 PM
Phoenix 927 32 0 927 813 -114 898 4,066 5 5/7/23 12:16:47 PM
Shiva 1,049 22 0 1,049 896 -236 999 2,689 3 6/26/23 5:55:26 PM
Zodiark 1,037 20 0 1,037 981 -224 998 4,909 5 4/17/23 8:57:24 PM
Twintania 1,049 18 0 1,049 1,205 -236 1,240 6,028 5 5/8/23 4:54:14 AM
Alpha 1,502 18 0 1,502 1,225 -689 1,430 6,126 5 6/23/23 2:49:01 PM
Raiden 525 18 0 525 747 288 796 3,735 5 5/30/23 10:53:01 AM