Titanium Uchigatana

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 4/30/22 12:18:21 AM
Search Category: Samurai's Arms | Item Category: Samurai's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 285
More Information

Gathering info:

5 34,490 34,490 16,666 31,000 50,000 3 1.70

Level 54 Blacksmith Recipe for Titanium Uchigatana

Earth Crystal 3 19 57 2/23/23 1:31:51 PM
Titanium Nugget 3 1,784 5,352 2/24/23 7:04:52 PM
Holy Cedar Lumber 1 3,051 3,051 5/7/23 11:50:06 AM
Holy Rainbow Cloth 1 5,971 5,971 6/23/22 11:17:09 AM
Electrum Ingot 1 555 555 1/2/23 12:07:57 PM
Aqueous Whetstone 1 475 475 9/6/22 5:42:57 PM
Fire Crystal 4 66 264 9/13/23 3:25:21 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 15,725

Profit/Loss Normal = -10,725

Profit/Loss HQ = -13,725

Desynthesizes into:

Holy Cedar Lumber
Fire Crystal
Earth Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Titanium Uchigatana on Light

Lich 3,500 11 3,500 0 18,046 13,166 9,999 324,834 18 7/15/21 8:29:24 PM
Odin 9,450 8 9,450 0 9,999 7,216 9,999 9,999 1 5/25/23 10:13:03 AM
Phoenix 34,490 5 34,490 0 16,666 -17,824 31,000 50,000 3 4/30/22 12:18:21 AM
Shiva 8,399 3 8,399 0 7,900 8,267 7,900 7,900 1 5/23/23 10:46:18 AM
Zodiark 19,000 12 19,000 0 24,458 -2,334 19,999 171,207 7 6/17/21 3:18:13 PM
Twintania 17,999 4 17,999 0 4,473 -1,333 17,998 58,159 13 10/7/20 9:22:14 PM
Alpha 7,350 6 7,350 0 4,821 9,316 6,680 24,108 5 5/5/23 8:13:34 AM
Raiden 10,448 6 10,448 0 9,000 6,218 9,000 9,000 1 5/13/23 6:12:40 PM