Growth Formula Theta

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 5/26/22 12:41:05 PM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

10 113 113 968 2,000 10,655 11 0.90

Level 66 Alchemist Recipe for Growth Formula Theta

Water Crystal 5 71 355 2/28/23 12:57:34 PM
Persimmon Tannin 1 305 305 6/18/23 9:43:56 AM
Windtea Leaves 3 899 2,697 10/30/21 11:09:06 AM
Perlite 1 197 197 11/2/21 4:00:24 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 3,554

Profit/Loss Normal = 346

Profit/Loss HQ = -1,951

66 Persimmon Cane
68 Zelkova Cane

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Growth Formula Theta on Light

Lich 1,450 11 0 1,450 3,170 -482 1,400 22,192 7 10/4/21 9:47:42 PM
Odin 735 14 735 735 572 233 716 2,861 5 5/16/23 11:43:40 AM
Phoenix 113 10 0 113 968 855 2,000 10,655 11 5/26/22 12:41:05 PM
Shiva 196 213 0 196 0 0 0 0 0 3/28/23 4:59:58 PM
Zodiark 2,499 12 0 2,499 2,788 -1,531 2,500 25,097 9 9/2/22 2:54:32 PM
Twintania 241 11 0 241 175 727 400 5,604 32 5/1/22 2:25:33 PM
Alpha 924 23 924 930 2,485 44 1,600 17,399 7 6/7/23 6:39:16 PM
Raiden 490 9 0 490 304 478 589 609 2 9/16/23 2:54:27 AM