Carbuncle Bed

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 6/20/23 9:59:10 PM
Search Category: Chairs and Beds | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

18 1,888 1,888 1,500 1,500 1,500 1 18.00

Level 56 Weaver Recipe for Carbuncle Bed

Wind Crystal 4 68 272 1/1/24 6:19:39 PM
Lightning Crystal 5 43 215 2/24/23 8:34:31 PM
Star Ruby 4 4 16 9/13/23 4:41:32 PM
Hallowed Chestnut Lumber 2 732 1,464 2/23/23 11:21:09 AM
Hallowed Ramie Cloth 2 440 880 10/1/22 2:40:26 AM
Rainbow Thread 2 245 490 2/19/23 10:01:09 AM
Rainbow Cotton Boll 4 558 2,232 6/3/23 7:49:44 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 5,569

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,969

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Carbuncle Bed on Light

Lich 1,523 15 0 1,523 1,496 -23 1,500 7,481 5 5/15/23 11:06:30 AM
Odin 1,678 14 0 1,678 891 -178 900 4,457 5 5/25/23 11:50:35 AM
Phoenix 1,888 18 0 1,888 1,500 -388 1,500 1,500 1 6/20/23 9:59:10 PM
Shiva 1,816 30 0 1,816 1,493 -316 1,700 4,480 3 5/21/23 10:33:25 AM
Zodiark 1,669 16 0 1,669 973 -169 899 3,894 4 5/28/23 11:36:56 AM
Twintania 944 26 0 944 0 0 0 0 0 6/20/23 5:30:17 AM
Alpha 1,418 11 0 1,418 933 82 1,300 2,799 3 6/23/23 5:53:03 PM
Raiden 3,149 10 0 3,149 0 0 0 0 0 3/28/23 10:41:35 PM