Sesame Cookie

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 4/28/23 10:54:52 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 13
More Information

Gathering info:

91 96 2,100 96 367 999 1,102 3 30.30

Level 56 Culinarian Recipe for Sesame Cookie

Gastornis Egg 1 27 27 2/25/23 6:58:17 AM
Highland Flour 1 314 314 5/2/23 11:49:55 AM
Sesame Seeds 2 145 290 3/13/22 12:24:47 PM
Water Crystal 4 71 284 2/28/23 12:57:34 PM
Honey 1 2 2 6/15/22 3:05:00 PM
Fire Crystal 5 66 330 9/13/23 3:25:21 PM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,247

Profit/Loss Normal = -403

Profit/Loss HQ = 384

90 Assorted Cookies

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Sesame Cookie on Light

Lich 326 234 1,049 326 361 41 370 24,248 67 4/22/23 8:46:55 PM
Odin 512 146 1,035 512 784 -145 130 8,630 11 6/24/23 4:53:27 PM
Phoenix 96 91 2,100 96 367 271 999 1,102 3 4/28/23 10:54:52 AM
Shiva 525 18 940 525 881 -158 887 6,167 7 4/20/23 6:43:39 AM
Zodiark 359 171 399 359 359 8 999 43,159 120 4/28/22 2:16:32 PM
Twintania 120 128 0 120 29 247 99 4,515 153 4/26/22 2:47:54 AM
Alpha 14 283 3,675 14 0 0 0 0 0 4/28/23 1:34:22 AM
Raiden 504 108 509 504 452 -137 453 3,168 7 6/25/23 5:54:17 PM