Cedar Longbow

Server: Phoenix

Last Updated: 6/8/22 11:14:30 PM
Search Category: Archer's Arms | Item Category: Archer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 246
More Information

Gathering info:

3 105,000 105,000 99,990 99,990 199,980 2 1.50

Level 51 Carpenter Recipe for Cedar Longbow

Wind Crystal 3 68 204 1/1/24 6:19:39 PM
Mythrite Nugget 1 1,050 1,050 2/13/23 11:42:31 PM
Rainbow Thread 1 245 245 2/19/23 10:01:09 AM
Cedar Lumber 1 1,574 1,574 2/27/23 11:10:53 PM
Cedar Branch 2 524 1,048 2/27/23 10:53:18 PM
Ice Crystal 2 20 40 1/30/23 1:29:45 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 4,161

Profit/Loss Normal = 3,839

Profit/Loss HQ = 45,839

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Phoenix Cross Server Data for Cedar Longbow on Light

Lich 36,750 9 41,914 36,750 33,832 63,240 39,989 169,162 5 6/8/22 9:02:20 PM
Odin 89,250 4 89,250 0 93,895 10,740 93,900 187,790 2 6/8/22 10:57:15 PM
Phoenix 105,000 3 105,000 0 99,990 -5,010 99,990 199,980 2 6/8/22 11:14:30 PM
Shiva 93,450 4 93,450 0 80,079 6,540 91,000 400,399 5 6/8/22 7:53:22 PM
Zodiark 31,395 2 31,395 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/8/22 10:06:51 PM
Twintania 35,000 21 35,000 41,999 30,544 64,990 35,000 335,992 11 1/30/21 7:37:41 PM
Alpha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/3/24 10:31:32 PM
Raiden 93,733 4 93,733 0 79,977 6,257 89,966 239,932 3 2/27/23 8:50:07 AM