Potted Axilflower

Server: Phantom

Last Updated: 4/29/23 5:55:32 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

7 25,200 25,200 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 33 Alchemist Recipe for Potted Axilflower

Steel Ingot 2 250 500 4/20/24 3:36:15 AM
Growth Formula Gamma 2 1,501 3,002 9/29/23 1:16:43 AM
Potter's Clay 2 25 50 2/15/23 11:52:16 AM
Humus 1 150 150 10/13/22 11:49:09 AM
Lightning Shard 3 62 186 2/26/23 5:54:17 PM
Water Shard 4 74 296 3/1/23 6:58:52 AM
Island Seedling 3 1,490 4,470 2/24/25 5:11:19 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,654

Profit/Loss Normal = 18,346

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Steel Ingot
Water Shard
Lightning Shard

Current Prices

Price History

Phantom Cross Server Data for Potted Axilflower on Chaos

Cerberus 26,875 8 0 26,875 27,149 -26,875 25,599 108,597 4 6/16/22 1:28:46 AM
Louisoix 26,247 3 0 26,247 24,597 -26,247 24,997 122,987 5 6/27/23 8:43:09 AM
Moogle 47,030 4 0 47,030 39,999 -47,030 40,000 119,997 3 6/16/22 2:03:53 AM
Omega 11,550 9 0 11,550 17,540 -11,550 11,899 35,081 2 5/11/23 7:48:15 AM
Ragnarok 26,250 2 0 26,250 44,676 -26,250 50,030 134,030 3 6/16/22 2:10:07 AM
Spriggan 31,499 2 0 31,499 29,000 -31,499 29,000 29,000 1 6/24/23 10:47:04 AM
Phantom 25,200 7 0 25,200 0 0 0 0 0 4/29/23 5:55:32 PM