Chloroschist Whetstone

Server: Phantom

Last Updated: 11/11/23 11:44:05 PM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

168 100 100 115 95 5,637 49 3.40

Level 81 Goldsmith Recipe for Chloroschist Whetstone

Wind Crystal 8 69 552 9/15/23 5:08:56 PM
Chloroschist 4 0 0

Total Price to Craft 1 : 552

Profit/Loss Normal = -457

Profit/Loss HQ = -54

Current Prices

Price History

Phantom Cross Server Data for Chloroschist Whetstone on Chaos

Cerberus 500 43 2,199 500 516 -385 500 55,225 107 6/16/24 2:54:40 PM
Louisoix 74 156 1,050 74 243 41 400 2,430 10 2/13/23 9:59:27 PM
Moogle 289 144 450 289 268 -174 350 8,045 30 2/13/25 7:24:57 PM
Omega 32 337 32 32 96 83 50 7,122 74 1/22/23 4:41:21 PM
Ragnarok 110 377 180 110 109 5 110 5,719 52 9/30/22 8:26:52 AM
Spriggan 134 93 1,054 134 94 -19 108 1,224 13 9/12/23 1:21:15 PM
Phantom 100 168 0 100 115 15 95 5,637 49 11/11/23 11:44:05 PM