Blue Zircon

Server: Phantom

Last Updated: 2/27/23 12:52:51 AM
Search Category: Stone | Item Category: Stone | Sell price to vendor: 7
More Information

Gathering info:

170 163 202 163 1,267 394 74,763 59 2.90

Level 86 Goldsmith Recipe for Blue Zircon

Wind Crystal 8 69 552 9/15/23 5:08:56 PM
Raw Blue Zircon 3 0 0
Annite Whetstone 1 208 208 10/7/23 9:10:03 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 760

Profit/Loss Normal = -80

Profit/Loss HQ = -360

90 Kweh-kweh Clock
86 Manganese Twinfangs
86 Ironwood Filbert Brush
88 Chondrite Magitek Paintbrush
86 Manganese Sword
86 Manganese Axe
86 Manganese Greatsword
86 Manganese Arquebus
86 Ironwood Cane
86 Ironwood Staff
86 Kumbhiraskin Grimoire
86 Kumbhiraskin Codex
86 Manganese Orrery
86 Manganese Rapier
86 Manganese Bayonet
86 Manganese Chakrams
86 Manganese Syrinxi
86 Manganese War Scythe
86 Manganese Helm of the Behemoth King
86 Manganese Helm of the Behemoth Queen
87 Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn
86 Scarlet Moko Hood of the White Griffin
86 Scarlet Moko Robe of the White Griffin
86 Scarlet Moko Hood of the Black Griffin
86 Scarlet Moko Robe of the Black Griffin
87 Blue Zircon Earrings of Fending
87 Blue Zircon Earrings of Slaying
87 Blue Zircon Earrings of Aiming
87 Blue Zircon Earrings of Healing
87 Blue Zircon Earrings of Casting
86 Blue Zircon Bracelet of Fending
86 Blue Zircon Bracelet of Slaying
86 Blue Zircon Bracelet of Aiming
86 Blue Zircon Bracelet of Healing
86 Blue Zircon Bracelet of Casting
86 Blue Zircon Ring of Fending
86 Blue Zircon Ring of Slaying
86 Blue Zircon Ring of Aiming
86 Blue Zircon Ring of Healing
86 Blue Zircon Ring of Casting
88 Ophiotauroskin Magitek Index
88 Ophiotauroskin Magitek Codex
88 Chondrite Magitek Planisphere
87 Manganese Lapidary Hammer
87 Manganese Needle
87 Manganese Alembic
87 Manganese Hatchet
87 Ironwood Grinding Wheel
87 Scarlet Moko Coatee of Crafting
87 Rarefied Ironwood Grinding Wheel
87 Rarefied Manganese Horn of the Last Unicorn

Current Prices

Price History

Phantom Cross Server Data for Blue Zircon on Chaos

Cerberus 904 68 905 904 1,336 363 500 61,473 46 5/30/24 3:58:56 PM
Louisoix 105 279 2,625 105 383 1,162 300 9,982 26 2/27/23 11:52:48 PM
Moogle 999 553 1,200 999 2,254 268 1,250 105,948 47 6/9/24 10:44:58 AM
Omega 158 124 158 207 685 1,109 201 49,330 72 2/28/23 12:36:21 PM
Ragnarok 868 39 2,500 868 1,346 399 884 115,839 86 6/9/24 1:33:38 AM
Spriggan 838 49 839 838 772 429 976 122,887 159 2/28/23 10:59:43 PM
Sagittarius 1,365 36 0 1,365 1,608 -98 999 6,435 4 3/3/23 1:25:02 AM
Phantom 163 170 202 163 1,267 1,104 394 74,763 59 2/27/23 12:52:51 AM