Torreya Cane

Server: Phantom

Last Updated: 5/21/23 9:47:12 AM
Search Category: Conjurer's Arms | Item Category: Twohanded Conjurer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 621
More Information

Gathering info:

2 8,705 8,705 8,289 8,289 8,289 1 2.00

Level 70 Carpenter Recipe for Torreya Cane

Torreya Lumber 3 3,650 10,950 2/7/24 1:41:34 PM
Everborn Aethersand 3 1,574 4,722 2/14/23 4:06:26 AM
Wind Cluster 2 245 490 6/19/23 8:59:50 PM
Durium Ingot 1 146 146 10/7/23 5:54:56 PM
Palladium Ingot 1 109 109 4/24/24 4:10:09 PM
Ice Cluster 2 42 84 4/20/24 10:30:24 AM
Grade 2 Reisui of Mind 3 0 0

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,501

Profit/Loss Normal = -11,501

Profit/Loss HQ = -11,501

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

No data available in table
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries

Price History

HQ 5,000 1 5,000 Furioh Helwa 2023-09-11 02:31:35
HQ 5,000 1 5,000 Pepsi Maximus 2023-09-09 22:08:26
HQ 8,684 1 8,684 Donne Lattimore 2023-09-02 01:18:05
HQ 8,996 1 8,996 Velora Litost 2023-08-31 14:19:00
HQ 8,666 1 8,666 Velora Litost 2023-08-31 14:18:57
HQ 8,289 1 8,289 Onyx Roses 2023-05-18 19:15:31
HQ 14,999 1 14,999 Machi Yuzuka 2023-05-13 21:07:15
HQ 10,000 1 10,000 Kyomi Takada 2023-05-12 19:55:31
5,000 1 5,000 The Whitepoutre 2023-05-12 13:32:11
HQ 10,000 1 10,000 Mei Loveshine 2023-05-09 23:31:36
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 entries

Phantom Cross Server Data for Torreya Cane on Chaos