Mythrite Nugget

Server: Phantom

Last Updated: 10/6/23 9:53:49 AM
Search Category: Metal | Item Category: Metal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

690 2,410 3,675 2,410 2,411 2,294 33,754 14 49.30

Level 51 Blacksmith Recipe for Mythrite Nugget

Mythrite Sand 5 492 2,460 10/28/23 8:44:46 AM
Mythril Ore 1 230 230 5/6/23 5:32:51 PM
Fire Crystal 3 56 168 2/27/23 8:35:10 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,858

Profit/Loss Normal = -564

Profit/Loss HQ = 41

Level 51 Armorer Recipe for Mythrite Nugget

Mythrite Sand 5 492 2,460 10/28/23 8:44:46 AM
Mythril Ore 1 230 230 5/6/23 5:32:51 PM
Ice Crystal 3 92 276 6/26/24 5:59:26 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,966

Profit/Loss Normal = -672

Profit/Loss HQ = -67

Level 51 Goldsmith Recipe for Mythrite Nugget

Wind Crystal 3 69 207 9/15/23 5:08:56 PM
Mythrite Sand 5 492 2,460 10/28/23 8:44:46 AM
Mythril Ore 1 230 230 5/6/23 5:32:51 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 2,897

Profit/Loss Normal = -603

Profit/Loss HQ = 2

51 Mythrite Katzbalger
51 Mythrite Patas
51 Mythrite War Axe
51 Mythrite Trident
51 Cedar Longbow
51 Mythrite Pugiones
51 Mythrite Claymore
51 Mythrite-barreled Arquebus
51 Mythrite Star Globe
51 Mythrite Scutum
51 Mythrite Sallet of Fending
51 Mythrite Hauberk of Fending
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Fending
51 Mythrite Gauntlets of Fending
51 Mythrite Sabatons of Fending
51 Mythrite Sallet of Maiming
51 Mythrite Hauberk of Maiming
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Maiming
51 Mythrite Gauntlets of Maiming
51 Mythrite Sabatons of Maiming
53 Wyvernskin Boots of Maiming
51 Mythrite Circlet of Striking
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Striking
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Striking
52 Holy Rainbow Hat of Aiming
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming
51 Rainbow Coif of Scouting
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Scouting
54 Holy Rainbow Hat of Healing
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Healing
53 Holy Rainbow Shirt of Casting
51 Mythrite Bangle of Fending
51 Mythrite Earrings of Fending
51 Mythrite Bangle of Slaying
51 Mythrite Earrings of Slaying
51 Mythrite Bangle of Aiming
51 Mythrite Earrings of Aiming
51 Mythrite Bangle of Healing
51 Mythrite Earrings of Healing
51 Mythrite Bangle of Casting
51 Mythrite Earrings of Casting
52 Mythrite Halfheart Saw
52 Mythrite Lump Hammer
52 Mythrite Raising Hammer
52 Mythrite Lapidary Hammer
52 Mythrite Round Knife
52 Mythrite Needle
52 Mythrite Alembic
52 Frypan Caliente
52 Mythrite Pickaxe
52 Mythrite Hatchet
52 Cedar Fishing Rod
53 Astral Grinding Wheel
51 Mythrite Goggles of Crafting
53 Holy Rainbow Wedge Cap
52 Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Crafting
54 Holy Rainbow Coatee
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Crafting
52 Archaeoskin Breeches of Crafting
54 Holy Rainbow Shoes
51 Mythrite Goggles of Gathering
52 Archaeoskin Jackcoat of Gathering
51 Archaeoskin Gloves of Gathering
52 Archaeoskin Breeches of Gathering
52 Yeti Fang Earrings
52 Mythrite Earrings of Gathering
52 Mythrite Ingot
52 Mythrite Ingot
52 Mythrite Ingot
51 Mythrite Rivets
51 Mythrite Rivets
61 Koppranickel Index
61 Koppranickel Codex
61 Koppranickel Planisphere
51 Mythrite Uchigatana
51 Mythrite Rapier
52 Mythrite Foil
61 Hingan Cottage Roof (Nanpu)
61 Hingan Cottage Wall (Nanpu)
61 Hingan Door (Mokuzo)
71 Hematite Earrings of Fending
71 Hematite Earrings of Slaying
71 Hematite Earrings of Aiming
71 Hematite Earrings of Healing
71 Hematite Earrings of Casting
71 Hematite Choker of Fending
71 Hematite Choker of Slaying
71 Hematite Choker of Aiming
71 Hematite Choker of Healing
71 Hematite Choker of Casting
80 Crystarium Umbrella Stand
80 Titania Barding
50 Rarefied Cedar Longbow
52 Rarefied Cedar Fishing Rod
50 Rarefied Mythrite Katzbalger
52 Rarefied Mythrite Pugiones
54 Rarefied Mythrite Halfheart Saw
50 Rarefied Mythrite Sallet
52 Rarefied Mythrite Hauberk
50 Rarefied Mythrite Goggles
52 Rarefied Mythrite Bangle
54 Rarefied Mythrite Needle

Current Prices

Price History

Phantom Cross Server Data for Mythrite Nugget on Chaos

Cerberus 1,260 35 1,732 1,260 1,150 1,151 1,000 33,367 29 10/7/23 2:00:01 PM
Louisoix 500 222 4,000 500 1,053 1,911 997 34,757 33 2/3/24 11:48:50 PM
Moogle 999 390 1,110 999 1,075 1,412 950 155,880 145 6/10/24 9:23:01 PM
Omega 1,790 871 2,000 1,790 1,768 621 1,790 226,426 128 5/27/24 11:00:17 PM
Ragnarok 1,250 117 3,800 1,250 1,279 1,161 1,422 37,099 29 12/17/22 10:17:58 AM
Spriggan 1,495 996 3,300 1,495 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 4:51:57 PM
Sagittarius 1,205 800 3,500 1,205 2,418 1,206 1,200 200,764 83 11/10/24 10:11:14 AM
Phantom 2,410 690 3,675 2,410 2,411 1 2,294 33,754 14 10/6/23 9:53:49 AM