Linen Canvas

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 5/20/23 11:46:47 AM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 1
More Information

Gathering info:

261 294 294 315 213 142 2,564 12 21.80

Level 36 Weaver Recipe for Linen Canvas

Cotton Yarn 1 29 29 6/16/22 6:06:12 AM
Linen Yarn 2 252 504 6/16/22 12:49:31 AM
Beeswax 1 102 102 5/27/23 9:48:12 AM
Lightning Shard 4 37 148 6/15/22 8:26:49 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 783

Profit/Loss Normal = -684

Profit/Loss HQ = -233

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Linen Canvas on Mana

Anima 242 228 255 242 198 -29 200 10,740 54 6/17/23 1:49:09 PM
Asura 53 1,471 189 53 75 160 48 18,992 253 9/16/23 3:20:15 PM
Chocobo 1,523 39 1,523 1,680 3,041 -1,310 2,490 36,492 12 5/20/23 6:44:25 PM
Hades 483 423 1,050 483 1,108 -270 1,200 42,120 38 6/15/23 3:59:52 AM
Ixion 1,260 97 2,625 1,260 1,917 -1,047 1,800 55,600 29 6/10/22 7:15:35 PM
Masamune 420 123 420 494 0 0 0 0 0 6/13/21 3:16:48 PM
Pandaemonium 294 261 294 315 213 -81 142 2,564 12 5/20/23 11:46:47 AM
Titan 6,806 96 6,807 6,806 3,458 -6,593 6,500 134,880 39 6/15/22 6:37:13 PM