Spruce Lumber

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 6/14/22 4:33:05 PM
Search Category: Lumber | Item Category: Lumber | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

371 1,683 1,890 1,683 584 1,500 59,586 102 3.60

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Spruce Lumber

Wind Crystal 3 43 129 8/18/22 6:11:55 PM
Spruce Log 3 368 1,104 6/11/22 6:36:00 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 1,233

Profit/Loss Normal = -1,231

Profit/Loss HQ = 167

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Spruce Lumber on Mana

Anima 1,890 25 1,890 1,890 1,417 -1,306 1,500 145,976 103 6/12/22 2:05:05 PM
Asura 1,575 123 1,785 1,575 1,413 -991 1,680 231,879 164 6/11/22 8:13:57 AM
Chocobo 1,995 2,496 2,100 1,995 2,159 -1,411 1,800 315,232 146 6/11/22 8:57:33 AM
Hades 1,050 760 1,050 1,050 1,172 -466 1,400 82,100 70 6/14/22 11:07:06 PM
Ixion 1,680 273 1,785 1,680 1,672 -1,096 1,700 83,620 50 6/14/22 5:10:54 PM
Masamune 1,491 537 1,659 1,491 1,145 -907 1,000 6,874 6 6/14/22 10:41:18 PM
Pandaemonium 1,683 371 1,890 1,683 584 -1,099 1,500 59,586 102 6/14/22 4:33:05 PM
Titan 1,155 251 1,575 1,155 1,228 -571 1,450 58,969 48 6/11/22 8:48:13 AM