AR-Caean Cotton Boll

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 6/15/22 3:40:20 PM
Search Category: Cloth | Item Category: Cloth | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

89 Reah Tahra, The Sea of Stars Region: Ultima Thule

3189 103 103 100 112 50,633 505 6.30

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for AR-Caean Cotton Boll on Mana

Anima 42 2,317 0 42 170 58 50 104,504 613 6/15/22 7:40:10 PM
Asura 95 2,479 0 95 116 5 90 38,868 334 6/15/22 5:58:31 PM
Chocobo 108 1,125 0 108 108 -8 120 56,513 520 7/2/22 5:40:29 PM
Hades 53 1,899 0 53 99 47 100 13,733 138 6/15/22 5:43:57 PM
Ixion 126 2,727 0 126 119 -26 112 69,566 581 6/15/22 4:22:31 PM
Masamune 84 3,958 0 84 103 16 140 48,041 465 6/15/22 5:36:03 PM
Pandaemonium 103 3,189 0 103 100 -3 112 50,633 505 6/15/22 3:40:20 PM
Titan 84 3,208 0 84 92 16 70 29,394 318 6/15/22 6:32:55 PM