Carrot Nibbles

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 6/16/22 6:03:44 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 30
More Information

Gathering info:

5249 189 704 189 660 670 1,460,000 2,212 2.40

Level 85 Culinarian Recipe for Carrot Nibbles

Cyclops Onion 1 159 159 9/20/23 3:30:40 PM
Water Crystal 7 35 245 10/24/24 7:29:20 AM
Night Vinegar 1 410 410 5/7/23 4:12:21 AM
Carrot of Happiness 2 0 0
Cucumber 2 158 316 9/18/23 12:56:09 AM
Fire Crystal 8 34 272 6/15/22 8:13:01 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,402

Profit/Loss Normal = -337

Profit/Loss HQ = 231

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Carrot Nibbles on Mana

Anima 242 8,569 722 242 675 418 686 611,958 906 6/15/22 2:55:01 PM
Asura 158 9,046 607 158 553 502 586 883,780 1,597 10/4/23 5:52:10 AM
Chocobo 262 7,590 594 262 545 398 565 2,808,135 5,148 10/2/23 9:58:23 AM
Hades 347 9,098 693 347 665 313 660 922,581 1,386 10/5/23 3:47:42 PM
Ixion 210 7,017 735 210 697 450 705 950,547 1,362 6/16/22 6:46:46 AM
Masamune 452 4,479 639 452 572 208 598 1,400,469 2,447 10/4/23 1:44:18 AM
Pandaemonium 189 5,249 704 189 660 471 670 1,460,000 2,212 6/16/22 6:03:44 AM
Titan 410 8,137 722 410 676 250 687 1,471,986 2,175 6/15/22 1:46:47 PM