Persimmon Tannin

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 2/20/23 5:03:52 AM
Search Category: Reagents | Item Category: Reagent | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

540 494 628 494 583 895 7,590 13 41.50

Level 66 Alchemist Recipe for Persimmon Tannin

Water Crystal 5 35 175 10/24/24 7:29:20 AM
Persimmon 5 284 1,420 3/3/23 2:57:36 PM
Crescent Spring Water 1 179 179 6/2/21 9:37:15 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 1,774

Profit/Loss Normal = -91

Profit/Loss HQ = 304

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Persimmon Tannin on Mana

Anima 840 111 1,161 840 1,239 -257 1,500 59,500 48 6/17/21 7:28:47 PM
Asura 473 169 0 473 556 110 600 5,008 9 4/21/23 12:32:34 PM
Chocobo 263 1,195 420 263 324 320 250 33,440 103 5/4/23 5:52:51 AM
Hades 420 514 1,890 420 1,136 163 900 50,010 44 6/9/22 11:20:21 PM
Ixion 420 422 420 450 525 163 598 66,222 126 6/10/23 12:13:21 AM
Masamune 504 459 609 504 575 79 995 8,060 14 6/9/22 11:13:56 PM
Pandaemonium 494 540 628 494 583 89 895 7,590 13 2/20/23 5:03:52 AM
Titan 426 464 426 525 680 157 800 34,700 51 5/6/23 10:41:05 AM