Nomad Meat Pie

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 6/15/22 8:22:42 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 25
More Information

Gathering info:

542 105 132 105 406 410 10,980 27 20.10

Level 66 Culinarian Recipe for Nomad Meat Pie

Cyclops Onion 1 159 159 9/20/23 3:30:40 PM
Oriental Soy Sauce 1 0 0
Water Crystal 4 35 140 10/24/24 7:29:20 AM
Gyr Abanian Flour 1 105 105 6/16/22 6:05:44 AM
Algae Salt 1 200 200 6/17/21 1:35:31 PM
Sun Cabbage 1 0 0
Dzo Chuck 1 4 4 6/15/22 11:14:17 AM
Fire Crystal 5 34 170 6/15/22 8:13:01 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 778

Profit/Loss Normal = -59

Profit/Loss HQ = -171

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Nomad Meat Pie on Mana

Anima 525 235 1,974 525 2,000 -119 2,000 198,000 99 6/15/22 11:55:11 PM
Asura 331 257 945 331 1,800 75 2,000 59,430 33 6/15/22 10:21:13 PM
Chocobo 746 266 746 756 1,498 -340 1,498 80,892 54 6/15/22 10:59:46 PM
Hades 27 199 933 27 993 379 1,028 148,974 150 6/15/22 10:08:57 PM
Ixion 79 354 84 79 1,629 327 85 34,215 21 6/15/22 8:59:29 PM
Masamune 422 21 3,140 422 2,680 -16 3,000 53,607 20 5/12/23 4:22:02 PM
Pandaemonium 105 542 132 105 406 301 410 10,980 27 6/15/22 8:22:42 PM
Titan 48 36 105 48 0 0 0 0 0 6/15/22 10:50:49 PM