Holy Cedar Composite Bow

Server: Pandaemonium

Last Updated: 5/19/23 3:04:43 AM
Search Category: Archer's Arms | Item Category: Archer's Arm | Sell price to vendor: 268
More Information

Gathering info:

8 20,790 20,790 25,699 29,800 128,495 5 1.60

Level 52 Carpenter Recipe for Holy Cedar Composite Bow

Wind Crystal 3 43 129 8/18/22 6:11:55 PM
Mythrite Ingot 2 2,300 4,600 6/16/22 12:52:47 AM
Wyvern Leather 1 1,050 1,050 2/28/23 2:59:46 PM
Holy Cedar Lumber 1 2,100 2,100 6/14/23 6:54:47 AM
Rainbow Thread 1 420 420 2/19/23 6:13:01 AM
Cedar Branch 1 210 210 6/16/21 1:18:50 AM
Ice Crystal 3 0 0 6/15/22 8:22:14 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 8,509

Profit/Loss Normal = -3,241

Profit/Loss HQ = 26,786

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Crystal
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Pandaemonium Cross Server Data for Holy Cedar Composite Bow on Mana

Anima 21,000 5 21,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6/14/22 8:52:10 PM
Asura 31,500 3 31,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/18/23 5:52:17 PM
Belias 23,321 4 23,321 0 22,230 2,378 22,210 111,150 5 6/14/22 9:36:08 PM
Chocobo 28,350 11 28,350 0 26,936 -2,651 26,900 134,680 5 5/4/23 7:17:05 PM
Hades 17,848 3 17,848 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 10:58:24 AM
Ixion 14,963 6 14,963 15,750 17,456 10,736 14,250 174,560 10 5/19/23 12:47:32 AM
Mandragora 31,500 2 31,500 0 22,300 -5,801 20,000 111,500 5 6/7/22 9:38:58 PM
Masamune 10,500 6 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/21/23 6:00:04 AM
Pandaemonium 20,790 8 20,790 0 25,699 4,909 29,800 128,495 5 5/19/23 3:04:43 AM
Shinryu 525 6 10,500 525 9,994 25,174 9,991 49,973 5 6/14/22 12:17:57 AM
Titan 10,500 10 22,050 10,500 0 0 0 0 0 3/28/23 10:04:01 AM