Manor Cello

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 6/5/24 1:19:28 AM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 90
More Information

Gathering info:

6 117,975 117,975 61,330 50,000 183,990 3 2.00

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Manor Cello

Ice Cluster 1 21 21 9/13/23 8:47:44 AM
Wind Cluster 2 225 450 6/26/24 6:04:59 AM
Cobalt Ingot 4 1,600 6,400 2/10/25 7:46:53 PM
Dew Thread 4 250 1,000 6/15/24 1:29:42 PM
Spruce Lumber 4 1,998 7,992 4/27/24 5:40:50 PM
Glazenut 1 13,649 13,649 6/25/23 10:51:52 AM
Manor Varnish 2 3,675 7,350 6/4/23 10:46:22 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 36,862

Profit/Loss Normal = 13,138

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Manor Cello on Chaos

Cerberus 209,045 3 0 209,045 200,000 -147,715 200,000 400,000 2 6/15/22 11:37:06 AM
Louisoix 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/28/24 4:17:10 PM
Moogle 126,000 3 0 126,000 119,999 -64,670 120,000 239,999 2 6/15/22 12:05:05 PM
Omega 117,975 6 0 117,975 61,330 -56,645 50,000 183,990 3 6/5/24 1:19:28 AM
Ragnarok 167,990 6 0 167,990 0 0 0 0 0 5/28/23 3:57:22 PM
Spriggan 146,914 4 0 146,914 0 0 0 0 0 5/1/23 12:57:11 AM
Sagittarius 78,750 7 0 78,750 0 0 0 0 0 3/29/23 9:55:56 PM
Phantom 200,000 1 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 3/24/23 11:35:48 AM