La Noscean Toast

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 10/4/21 2:36:14 PM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 5
More Information

Gathering info:

283 900 3,150 900 511 1 130,391 255 1.10

Level 45 Culinarian Recipe for La Noscean Toast

Fire Shard 6 61 366 10/4/23 7:17:47 PM
Walnut Bread 1 515 515 5/25/23 2:58:41 AM
Buffalo Milk 1 210 210 5/9/23 1:12:32 AM
Apkallu Egg 1 500 500 2/24/25 7:11:27 PM
Maple Syrup 1 4 4 10/11/22 2:30:32 PM
Smooth Butter 1 57 57 6/4/23 4:54:12 PM
Olive Oil 1 180 180 5/27/24 10:21:24 PM
Water Shard 5 70 350 2/25/23 4:33:36 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,182

Profit/Loss Normal = 2,272

Profit/Loss HQ = 2,273

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for La Noscean Toast on Chaos

Cerberus 30,005 39 0 30,005 1,150 -29,494 2,500 34,500 30 4/9/22 10:20:52 PM
Louisoix 3,675 58 8,400 3,675 3,999 -3,164 3,999 3,999 1 4/8/23 2:06:02 AM
Moogle 1,355 72 1,470 1,355 1,836 -844 2,200 34,900 19 6/19/23 6:52:27 PM
Omega 900 283 3,150 900 511 -389 1 130,391 255 10/4/21 2:36:14 PM
Ragnarok 3,156 2 0 3,156 0 0 0 0 0 3/15/23 12:50:27 PM
Spriggan 157 46 525 157 1,333 354 500 24,000 18 5/27/23 8:02:45 PM
Phantom 945 15 0 945 4,999 -434 4,999 29,994 6 6/18/23 6:39:54 AM