Salt Cod Puffs

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 8/23/19 9:00:59 AM
Search Category: Meals | Item Category: Meal | Sell price to vendor: 4
More Information

Gathering info:

215 490 5,000 490 1,469 499 114,633 78 2.80

Level 42 Culinarian Recipe for Salt Cod Puffs

Fire Shard 5 61 305 10/4/23 7:17:47 PM
Salt Cod 1 737 737 4/29/23 1:52:53 PM
Apkallu Egg 1 500 500 2/24/25 7:11:27 PM
Sunset Wheat Flour 1 158 158 6/9/23 4:59:16 PM
Thyme 1 50 50 2/19/25 9:02:48 PM
Nutmeg 1 95 95 2/19/25 9:03:06 PM
Clove Oil 1 76 76 3/11/23 10:57:37 PM
Water Shard 5 70 350 2/25/23 4:33:36 AM

Total Price to Craft 3 : 2,271

Profit/Loss Normal = 4,243

Profit/Loss HQ = 4,241

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Salt Cod Puffs on Chaos

Cerberus 2,000 291 2,000 2,000 6,249 -531 3,500 112,491 18 4/9/22 10:21:49 PM
Louisoix 5,000 1 0 5,000 971 -3,531 1,000 34,991 36 11/28/21 11:35:14 PM
Moogle 300 31 300 0 496 1,169 300 10,420 21 8/9/19 10:19:55 AM
Omega 490 215 5,000 490 1,469 979 499 114,633 78 8/23/19 9:00:59 AM
Ragnarok 1,895 121 9,999 1,895 3,104 -426 9,990 111,771 36 9/10/19 2:22:27 PM
Spriggan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11/4/19 10:00:47 PM