Orchestrion Phonograph

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 2/27/23 7:45:53 PM
Search Category: Tabletop | Item Category: Tabletop | Sell price to vendor: 856
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Gathering info:

8 180,000 180,000 0 0 0 0 100.00

Level 86 Blacksmith Recipe for Orchestrion Phonograph

Earth Crystal 8 67 536 4/26/24 11:39:21 AM
Bismuth Ingot 2 1,700 3,400 6/5/24 9:09:18 AM
Manganese Ingot 2 1,400 2,800 6/5/24 9:09:11 AM
Phrygian Gold Ingot 2 2,010 4,020 6/5/24 9:08:46 AM
Phonograph Plate 1 102,354 102,354 3/12/23 9:42:12 AM
Fire Crystal 8 99 792 6/5/24 9:02:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 113,902

Profit/Loss Normal = 36,098

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Orchestrion Phonograph on Chaos

Cerberus 313,865 3 0 313,865 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 6:52:21 AM
Louisoix 152,799 16 0 152,799 154,368 -152,799 152,892 617,473 4 5/9/23 12:21:34 PM
Moogle 399,494 8 0 399,494 399,704 -399,494 399,499 2,398,228 6 1/2/24 10:17:03 AM
Omega 180,000 8 0 180,000 0 0 0 0 0 2/27/23 7:45:53 PM
Ragnarok 226,506 10 0 226,506 217,756 -226,506 216,563 1,088,780 5 6/7/22 10:00:49 PM
Spriggan 150,000 1 0 150,000 92,460 -150,000 179,000 1,201,983 13 4/17/22 10:59:52 AM
Sagittarius 299,030 7 0 299,030 321,330 -299,030 316,000 963,991 3 5/27/24 6:51:08 AM
Phantom 339,999 2 0 339,999 272,249 -339,999 339,000 1,088,999 4 6/5/24 7:31:23 PM