Storm Blue Interior Wall

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 6/23/23 1:46:18 PM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Interior Wall | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

12 19,625 19,625 7,592 7,999 37,962 5 2.40

Level 80 Alchemist Recipe for Storm Blue Interior Wall

Lightning Crystal 7 94 658 6/26/24 6:02:24 AM
Water Crystal 7 36 252 10/21/24 10:52:27 PM
Dwarven Mythril Nugget 6 398 2,388 5/27/24 10:30:52 PM
Granite 4 294 1,176 2/10/25 7:23:26 PM
Cut Stone 6 1,050 6,300 6/14/23 11:58:53 AM
Mortar 4 1,517 6,068 2/26/23 7:33:32 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 16,842

Profit/Loss Normal = -14,142

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Storm Blue Interior Wall on Chaos

Cerberus 6,089 22 0 6,089 3,257 1,503 6,098 16,286 5 6/20/23 6:35:05 PM
Louisoix 2,625 12 0 2,625 5,626 4,967 5,890 28,133 5 5/30/23 3:45:33 PM
Moogle 1,362 29 0 1,362 1,208 6,230 1,295 6,044 5 6/16/23 11:21:48 AM
Omega 19,625 12 0 19,625 7,592 -12,033 7,999 37,962 5 6/23/23 1:46:18 PM
Ragnarok 5,355 11 0 5,355 5,119 2,237 5,200 25,599 5 6/22/23 3:59:26 AM
Spriggan 3,602 33 0 3,602 3,679 3,990 3,400 18,395 5 5/30/23 9:46:59 PM
Sagittarius 1,350 23 0 1,350 898 6,242 1,150 4,490 5 5/23/24 8:16:32 AM
Phantom 2,099 12 0 2,099 1,653 5,493 2,090 8,268 5 6/26/23 6:58:22 PM