Koppranickel Armlets of Casting

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 6/16/22 7:33:47 AM
Search Category: Hands | Item Category: Hands | Sell price to vendor: 300
More Information

Gathering info:

6 29,747 29,747 27,659 28,320 138,299 5 1.20

Level 61 Goldsmith Recipe for Koppranickel Armlets of Casting

Wind Crystal 3 40 120 10/21/24 10:51:15 PM
Koppranickel Nugget 2 1,550 3,100 5/27/24 10:29:27 PM
Bloodhempen Cloth 1 3,563 3,563 6/11/22 7:29:48 AM
Bloodhempen Yarn 1 195 195 6/15/24 1:28:36 PM
Crow Feather 2 99 198 2/5/25 6:05:28 PM
Fire Crystal 2 99 198 6/5/24 9:02:39 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 7,374

Profit/Loss Normal = 27,626

Profit/Loss HQ = 29,125

Desynthesizes into:

Wind Crystal
Fire Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Koppranickel Armlets of Casting on Chaos

Cerberus 26,248 5 26,248 0 0 0 0 0 0 9/13/23 10:02:18 AM
Louisoix 25,000 1 25,000 0 25,165 2,659 20,330 50,330 2 1/27/24 9:43:51 PM
Moogle 27,300 7 27,300 0 0 0 0 0 0 3/3/23 1:00:44 PM
Omega 29,747 6 29,747 0 27,659 -2,088 28,320 138,299 5 6/16/22 7:33:47 AM
Ragnarok 44,999 6 44,999 0 37,998 -17,340 20,000 227,992 6 8/9/22 4:51:05 PM
Spriggan 49,999 5 57,970 49,999 51,061 -22,340 57,970 1,429,729 28 4/20/22 10:08:52 PM
Sagittarius 37,500 4 37,500 0 38,315 -9,841 38,330 76,630 2 2/12/24 12:26:43 AM
Phantom 34,649 9 34,649 0 44,999 -6,990 34,999 224,996 5 5/23/23 6:57:51 AM