Highland Oregano

Server: Omega

Last Updated: 3/14/23 9:53:51 AM
Search Category: Ingredients | Item Category: Ingredient | Sell price to vendor: 2
More Information

Gathering info:

56 Twinpools, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Western Highlands
56 Voor Sian Siran, Abalathia's Spine Region: The Sea of Clouds
56 The Blue Window, Abalathia's Spine Region: The Sea of Clouds
56 Twinpools, Coerthas Region: Coerthas Western Highlands
56 Voor Sian Siran, Abalathia's Spine Region: The Sea of Clouds

255 393 393 0 0 0 0 100.00
60 Max-Ether
69 Jerked Jhammel
58 Rarefied Max-Potion

Current Prices

Price History

Omega Cross Server Data for Highland Oregano on Chaos

Cerberus 630 178 0 630 497 -630 550 6,461 13 6/11/22 7:04:11 PM
Louisoix 379 176 0 379 506 -379 379 69,398 137 1/15/22 3:33:20 PM
Moogle 420 204 0 420 248 -420 340 9,193 37 6/11/22 7:37:29 PM
Omega 393 255 0 393 0 0 0 0 0 3/14/23 9:53:51 AM
Ragnarok 2,100 20 0 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 3/3/23 4:03:50 PM
Spriggan 520 177 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 3/6/23 6:57:17 PM