Oriental Bathtub

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 2/28/23 9:23:29 PM
Search Category: Furnishings | Item Category: Furnishing | Sell price to vendor: 398
More Information

Gathering info:

14 54,600 54,600 59,670 57,000 1,372,419 23 0.60

Level 50 Carpenter Recipe for Oriental Bathtub

Ice Cluster 1 12 12 6/1/24 11:33:00 AM
Wind Cluster 1 170 170 6/8/24 9:01:07 PM
Rosewood Lumber 3 80 240 6/1/24 11:34:47 AM
Spruce Lumber 3 2,498 7,494 3/5/23 3:21:58 PM
Treated Spruce Lumber 4 8,999 35,996 4/22/23 9:50:56 PM
Firewood 1 11,998 11,998 3/4/23 8:17:36 AM
Granite 3 222 666 6/1/24 11:54:52 AM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 56,576

Profit/Loss Normal = 20,420

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Treated Spruce Lumber
Wind Cluster
Ice Cluster

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Oriental Bathtub on Light

Lich 55,016 18 0 55,016 53,188 4,654 52,397 1,223,327 23 2/26/23 4:06:09 PM
Odin 54,600 14 0 54,600 59,670 5,070 57,000 1,372,419 23 2/28/23 9:23:29 PM
Phoenix 49,999 15 0 49,999 71,283 9,671 49,998 1,425,670 20 2/14/23 7:49:30 AM
Shiva 89,163 12 0 89,163 84,869 -29,493 84,918 509,217 6 2/26/23 9:48:33 PM
Zodiark 59,845 16 0 59,845 57,570 -175 58,990 633,278 11 2/28/23 11:57:46 PM
Twintania 57,888 32 0 57,888 58,054 1,782 57,899 1,161,095 20 1/26/23 11:24:28 AM
Alpha 68,748 5 0 68,748 71,333 -9,078 68,748 1,283,999 18 6/19/24 6:43:22 PM
Raiden 58,166 21 0 58,166 57,475 1,504 55,399 1,494,353 26 2/28/23 2:27:11 AM