Ice Chandelier

Server: Odin

Last Updated: 3/2/23 8:56:42 AM
Search Category: Interior Fixtures | Item Category: Ceiling Light | Sell price to vendor: 150
More Information

Gathering info:

35 8,399 8,399 10,221 7,974 91,995 9 3.90

Level 50 Goldsmith Recipe for Ice Chandelier

Darksteel Ingot 2 3,703 7,406 9/21/23 12:25:36 PM
Gold Ingot 2 5 10 9/12/23 8:33:12 PM
Tallow Candle 8 1,308 10,464 6/20/23 6:59:37 AM
Fieldcraft Demimateria III 2 1,670 3,340 2/26/23 12:30:37 PM
Ice Crystal 12 44 528 6/8/24 7:16:01 PM
Ice Tear 1 14 14 3/18/23 1:56:33 PM

Total Price to Craft 1 : 21,762

Profit/Loss Normal = -13,788

Profit/Loss HQ = 0

Desynthesizes into:

Clear Demimateria III
Ice Crystal

Current Prices

Price History

Odin Cross Server Data for Ice Chandelier on Light

Lich 5,830 41 0 5,830 5,336 4,391 5,551 53,366 10 2/20/23 3:24:55 PM
Odin 8,399 35 0 8,399 10,221 1,822 7,974 91,995 9 3/2/23 8:56:42 AM
Phoenix 3,140 39 0 3,140 4,874 7,081 3,200 63,362 13 5/22/22 8:10:44 AM
Shiva 3,400 18 0 3,400 4,129 6,821 3,399 33,039 8 6/14/24 10:11:48 PM
Zodiark 8,348 25 0 8,348 7,822 1,873 8,000 78,222 10 5/31/22 10:55:15 PM
Twintania 16,778 26 0 16,778 16,703 -6,557 15,980 83,516 5 2/25/23 1:38:31 AM
Alpha 9,344 25 0 9,344 7,978 877 8,887 63,830 8 2/28/23 2:34:37 PM
Raiden 31,500 11 0 31,500 74,999 -21,279 72,999 149,999 2 2/28/23 6:50:55 PM